Tuesday, April 5, 2016

5 Ways Summer Camps Change Children’s Lives

More than 11 million people attend summer camps in the U.S. each year. Most of them are children, whose lives are influenced positively by spending time away from their homes. Although everyone carries their own experiences home, there are some changes that are common. You will learn about those changes in this blog.

Lasting Friendships

Summer camps are places where your kids can make lasting friendships. It should not be a surprise. When your children are eating laughing and creating new memories everyday with other kids, they are bound to make friends. These friendships usually not only grow stronger with time, but also shape your child’s future.

High Level of Responsibility

There are few places other than summer programs where your children can assume a high level of responsibility without jeopardizing their own safety. Taking on significant roles at camp teaches them the crucial skills of empathy, responsibility, leadership, decision-making and problem-solving. These skills help children become successful later. Many celebrities—Jennifer Lawrence, Anne Hathaway and Ben Bernanke’s names come to mind—attended summer camps when they were children.

Boating, Camping and Other Activities

More than 16 million children in the U.S. live in families living below the poverty line. These children cannot afford to have their own sail boats or gather enough friends to go camping in a safe place. If it were not for summer camps, those children would miss many experiences that others take for granted.


There is life outside your smartphones, PC screens and HVAC controlled homes. Few kids leap into lake water, see stars at night or witness wildlife in their usual lives. Camps give them a chance to take a break from their ordinary lives and reflect on how they live. This is important.

Confidence Boost

Freedom is one of America’s strengths. We worry a lot someone else making decisions for us and controlling our lives. We strive to break the mold and be liberated. Summer camps can teach your children this quintessential American habit. Camps give campers many tasks, which the kids have to complete them without assistance from their parents. This experience is invaluable because it boosts their confidence.

Summer camps help to give children new experiences and are a positive influence on children. If you are interested in learning more, dial 732 821-9155.

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