Monday, March 7, 2016

3 Ways to Find the Best Summer Camp for Your Kids

We are barely into the second month of February and parents are already looking for summer camps for their kids. It usually happens that during their search for a camp, they know on some level what they want but are not always successful at expressing it.  Sometimes the sheer number of options here in Middlesex County may seem overwhelming. But there are some easy ways to shorten the list. In this blog you will read about three ways to help you find the safest and most fun summer camp for your kids.

Figure Out What a Day Camp Looks Like

Start out with some research. You may find this part easy if you took part in summer camp activities as a child. But if you did not, try to talk to others who did have a chance. A second way is to visit some camps to see what it is like there. If you cannot visit a camp in-person, check its website and notice how many activities they offer. Eagle’s Landing Day Camp in North Brunswick offers 30+ activities in arts, sports and science to children ages 3-15.

Find Out if a Camp is Licensed

The internet has made this task easier. You can use the American Camp Association’s (ACA) website to confirm a camp’s accreditation details. Most camps in North Brunswick are registered with the ACA, the state of New Jersey, the county of Middlesex or the township of North Brunswick. Registration ensures that a camp adheres to certain standards of safety, health and program activities.

Inquire About the Camp Employees’ Backgrounds

There is no way you are going to send your children to a camp where employees with questionable ethical or moral standards work. So find a place that is open about who works there, what their educational qualifications are and how long they have been working at the camp. Eagle’s Landing Day Camp publishes verifiable background information on its employees on its website.

These three are the most important checks to perform before sending your kid off to a camp. Other things to notice include: timings (the camp’s hours may not be convenient for your and your spouse) and special offerings (which you may need if your child has specific needs).

Spread over 20 acres of shaded area, Eagle’s Landing Day Camp is a licensed camp that is open about its employees, offers transportation and willing to take care of your child with specific needs.

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